about me
I’m Alex, a San Diego based blogger, Embodiment & life Coach, Photographer, Travel Content Creator, Yoga Teacher, CeremonialistWriter and Kundalini Activator. I know its a lot! Outside of work, I am an outdoor enthusiast, wellness junkie, & travel bug. I believe that we become the teacher we needed. I hope that by sharing my journey and craft it inspires you to live your most empowered life. I am here to help you elevate your life, business, branding, wellness, energy, and relationships. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, inquiries, or collaboration proposals.
“Be Kind, Be True, Be You”
What are presets
Presets are high quality color specific ‘filters’ available for Adobe Lightroom. Lightroom is a professional coloring program for photographers, content creators, and creatives all around the world who use the software to create a certain look for their photos. So when you see an instagram or photos with beautiful coloring and themes it was usually done with Lightroom presets. It’s called coloring for a reason - the program gives you unlimited possibilities of changing any colors in the photo to your liking. These presets are the exact ones I use on my photos and yes, I only use Lightroom not Photoshop to color my photos. I have spent the past 2 years carefully creating this presets to transform photos. I’ve spent a lot of time making sure they look good on Jpeg files or Raw photo file formats. Even though Desktop presets are one-click presets, you will need to adjust exposure, contrast and saturation to your liking and or to match the settings of your camera. This is completely normal and the more you grow as a photographer, just like with any other art, you start developing your own look for your photos. In each package I have put 6 unique presets, or you can get the everything package which is discounted and has 18 presets. Once you purchased the presets you will receive a downloadable link. The link is a compressed zip file. By double clicking that link the folder will open with your 6 presets xml files inside. Once you have those files all you need to do is drag and drop them into your Lightroom application then start creating magic! For more details on installation and about presets check out my Q&A which you’ll find on the drop down menu under shop.