1:1 Mentorship
Alchemy of You 1:1 Mentorship
4 Month Intimate container
Do Any of these sound like you?
You've tried therapy but feel like as much awarness as you have, you still keep repeating patterns
You know you have gifts to share but havent tapped into them fully
You feel blocked from showing up as your authentic self
You are craving deeper more intimate connections in your life
You struggle with anxiety around taking action on your intuition
You self abandon to make life easier on others
You source your self worth from relationships, career, body image, or external sources
You find yourself stuck in others stories of who you are
You are afraid to use your voice and own your truth
You over give and feel like its not reciprocated
You are craving to feel more alive and connected
You dont feel confident in your body or passions
This program is to get you in full connection with your self
When you are in full connection with your self you...
Go after your Goals with ease
Trust in your power to create and magnetize anything your heart desires
Career alignment
Healthy and deep relationships
Show up as your highest self
Feel good and connected in your body
No longer stress about money
Embody sexual liberation
Heal from traumas and past relationships
Look in the mirror and love who you see
Unleash your gifts and creative potential
Speak and act on your truth
Trust your intuition
Feel alive, excited and trusting
Play big
Feel free
Stand in your worth and honor your energy
Create your dream life
Pillars of the program
Body connection
Self Worth